RSS Readers

What is an RSS reader?

In the real world, we like to keep up with other people, places, and things. But on the Internet, there are so many things happening simultaniously, we can’t keep up with everything. It doesn’t matter if you have a sytem, keep everything in tight bookmarks, or check Twitter and Facebook every three seconds. A human gets exhausted trying to keep up with it all.

That was the purpose of RSS–Really Simple Syndication–to simplify keeping up with the web. It’s like email...but for websites. I understand that websites allow you to follow by email, but they force you to go to their site and go through ads and ads...and also ads. Have I mentioned ads yet? Oh! And ads.

RSS readers are like email, like I stated. But they are more like newspapers. They allow you to peruse the titles, and ignore the boring and read the interesting ones. And once you're done, you never have to look at the content again. Or, you can share it or save it, just like email.



If you have a Mac or an iPhone, NetNewsWire is the app to get. Keeps you in sync across all your devices. It’s just for Apple products, and always has been. Designed for over a decade just to elegantly and easily keep you up on what is happening on our planet.


Regardless of platform, there’s Feedly. Its strength is just how many ways you can use the app. On the web, on your computer, or on your phone. It works on pretty much every platform. The free version lets you use up to 100 feeds, but if you are just starting out, that will probably be enough.